Young Legends 10th - 8th Kyu (White and Gold Belt to Red and Gold Belt)
This course provides the details surrounding the curriculum for our syllabus for the first three grades of the Young Legends syllabus.
Karate Rules for Children
What does Shin Gi Tai mean?
Why do we bow?
How to tie your belt
How to tie your belt (PDF)
White to Red and Gold Syllabus sheets - Summary
How to make a good front stance
Training your front stance
Kokutsu Dachi - Back Stance
Gedan Barai or Downwards Block
Age Uke or Rising Block
Soto Uke or Outside Block
Uchi Uke or Inside Block
What are the names of the blocks in Japanese?
How to make a fist
Choku Zuki or Straight Punch
Oizuki or Stepping Punch
How well can you punch
Mae Geri or Front Snap kick
Mawashi Geri or Roundhouse kick
Kesa Gatame or Scarf hold
Kesa Gatame Notes
Mune Gatame or Chest Hold
Mune Gatame or Chest Hold
O-Soto-Gari - Major Outer reap
Tai Otoshi - Body Drop throw
Heian Shodan - #1
Heian Shodan #2
Heian Shodan - #2
Heian Shodan - #3
Heian Shodan - #4
Heian Shodan #5
Kickboxing Form
Kickboxing Form (no explanation)
Close Quarter Form (Bonus - This is Red belt to Yellow Belt syllabus)
Before you go...